Opposition forces told to observe cessation of hostilities agreement
Paul Malong, the Commander-in-Chief of South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A) has ordered his forces to observe cessation of hostilities agreement (CoHA) of 2017.
This, the former Chief of Staff said is in line with the cessation of hostilities agreement signed with South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance.
Malong oreded all his commanders to instruct their forces to stay put in their respective units and locations to avoid confrontations.
“All units must be alert to these new developments and directives, and those who granted permissions should report themselves to their units, locations and command immediately before August 1, 2021 AD,” Malong said.
“Within the framework of our goals aimed at achieving lasting peace and prosperity, throughout the country.”
With the order, Malong said the effort is to help implement the protocol of security arrangements in the ceasefire and the cessation of hostilities agreement between SSOMA and R-TGoNU.
SSOMA admitted
SSUF/A and Real SPLM of SSOMA were admitted into the ceasefire monitoring body (CTSAMVM) on June 30, 2022.
Deployment of SSOMA representatives into CTSAMVM will be done on August 15, 2022, as coordinated by CTSAMVM and IGAD but monitored by the Community of Sant’Egidio which was mediating the entire process of Rome Talks with Holdout Groups.
However, the inclusion of the two SSOMA parties excludes National Salvation Front (NAS) of Thomas Cirilo, always accused of road ambushes and attacks on civilians.
“Parties agree to disseminate the CoHA, sensitize and train all their forces and affiliates under their command and control to ensure full compliance and undertake to hold their forces accountable for any violations,” the final communique read.
The Military Spokesperson of South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A), Col Philip Deng Kuol Nguot, said R-SPLM and SSUF/A will declare size and location of their forces before August 1, 2022, and must be assured of security by RTGONU.
SSOMA delegates went to Rome for CTSAMVM workshop last to be trained before they are included into the ceasefire monitoring body, promising to fight for a lasting peace and stability.