NDSC dares COVID-19 to hold National Conference
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By Kitab Unango
The three years old dialogue processes in the country that started ways back in 2017 will soon come to end amid COVID-19 pandemic, members of the National Dialogue Steering Committee (NDSC) have opted.
The conference will be held with few participants in accordance with social distancing rule to harmonize recommendations of the three regional conferences of Bahr El Ghazal, Upper Nile and Equatoria as well as the sectorial conferences’ recommendations.
This decision came during the National Dialogue Steering Committee’s second extraordinary meeting held to discuss whether to conclude the process with or without national conference last week.
Members opted for the previous arguing that the later would discredit the whole processes of the National Dialogue most South Sudanese trust as viable solution to the ongoing protracted conflict in the country.
In support to holding the conference, Pascal Bandidi, member of the National Dialogue Steering Committee said the creditability of the processes entirely relies on the conference which could not be skipped due to prevalence of coronavirus.
“It is obvious that the next step is the national dialogue conference because it is the being very clear about the processes and the structure of the national dialogue which so far we have undertaken at various levels including the regional conferences,’
“It is very very obvious that the next step forward is the national dialogue conference. This is so because we need to harmonies the views that were generated by the three regional conferences,” Banded added “Once harmonized at national conference, then the real position of national conference will be that report that will be submitted to the presidency.”
However, for fear of the prevalent COVID-19 Janet Ayat Alex called for suspension of the conference for while till the disease subsides.
“I think we can still hold on for another two months probably the pandemic will go down and it will give us a better way forward to bring people and hold the conference. Indeed, if this is not handled well, the six hundred people may not adhere to the rules and will end up spreading the disease to rest of parts which actually could have avoided COVID-19,’ Ayat said.
Angelo Beda, the Co-Chair of the National Dialogue Steering Committee however said the conference could not be delayed any further because of endless COVID-19 pandemic.
“The sooner the better. The sooner we conclude the conference is beater but in a credible way. I agree with you,” said Beda.
John Jal Wol, member of National Dialogue Steering Committee argued that the number of participants could be reduced from over 600 previously suggested to less than 300 and seek the National Taskforce on COVID-19’s recommendation to avoid prolonging the conference.
“There must be a national conference in place, bringing all the delegates from the state and let the National task force on COVID-19 pandemic formulate how the event can be conducted,’ said Jal.