More female students graduate in Bor’s vocational school

More female students graduate in Bor’s vocational school

Forty-six female students have graduated from Jonglei Christian Vocational Boarding School, compared to a paltry 14 male students in various courses including Information Communication Technology (ICT), electrical, tailoring and fashion design.

The graduation was attended by the minister for information and communication and the entire community to celebrate the graduation of their sons, daughters, husband and wives in the capital Bor of Jonglei State.

Speaking during the graduation ceremony, Atong Kuol Manyang, the State Minister of Health, told the graduands not to look down upon the qualifications they had attained, since some successful career and business people started right where they were.

 “I have a relative who did a vocational course and she is doing well in the markets,” he said.

Atong urged women to put more effort into education.

Rhoda Aluel, a parent, said she was thrilled about graduating the daughter and son through a tough ride and is glad it has come to an end. “It is our role as parents to send our children to school without gender discrimination.” But most importantly, we need to send girls so that they can equally be empowered, “