Let’s give direction to our education system now

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Let’s give direction to our education system now

We appreciate the numerous measures the Government has put in place to curb the further spread of Covid-19. However, the Government’s open-ended timeframe for the continued closure of schools may leave our education system injured, with little to no remedy at all.
Schools have been closed for four months now, and we have not heard a report on what the system has observed, at least, in the first two weeks, three weeks, and now four months; how the situation has fared generally apart from the daily confirmatory results?
The Government has just said that schools will open, consultations are still in progress. What our colleagues in government should be alive to, too, is that we may lose learners to bad vices, and the end may even be more deadly than Covid-19.
What the government should have done, is have tentative days, on when schools may open, like what other governments have done. They have put tentative days for reopening of schools, and this has included phases.
The open-ended approach, if not handled properly, could leave educators and learners in a state of limbo. Learners will not study, because they don’t know if they will have a term. Teachers can’t prepare adequately, because they don’t know when schools shall open.
There is a need to forecast, and put a tentative period for the resumption of schools and learning. This will help a learner refocus their attention from bad vices that may claim their future, to studying and preparing for a better future.
The role played by schools should not be underplayed. It occupies part of learners’ time, to do what is academic. We must be alive to this fact that the longer the period of school closures, the worst the outcome of our nation’s academic results.
The education system may be killed. Let’s give it a direction now.