Inter-communal conflict leave 15 dead in Jonglei
Fifteen people died while scores were left nursing various injuries following a deadly inter-communal war.
The clashes took place over the weekend between members of Pulturuk Payam and their neighbours from Mogog Payam in Ayod County, Jonglei State.
According to Simon Hoth Duol, the State Minister for Local Government and Law Enforcement Agencies, over 2,000 cattle were raided in the process.
Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) challenged state leadership to tighten security to prevent further violence in the region.
“It is easy to set up an early warming system for quick response,” said CEPO Executive Director, Edmund Yakani.
He added: “The Counties Commissioners of Jonglei states should be innovative and creative enough to engage in effective armed deadly cattle raiding prevention measures.
“All these raids are known in advance because most youths do mobilise for armed attack. Based on this early information then Counties Commissioners should be involved in early response to prevent the impending deadly raids between communities.”
CEPO is urging the state leadership of Jongeli to step up efforts for strengthening counties’ commissioners in deadly inter-community violence.