Gov’t working on roadmap to finish deal roll- Makuei

The government is developing a road map towards the conclusion of the transitional period.
This is after the Secretary-General’s representative for the United Nations in South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom, urged parties to the agreement to come up with a roadmap with distinct benchmarks, deadlines, and priority objectives on how to wind up the deal’s roll-out.
Haysom said, “This has been jointly called for by the African Union, IGAD, RJMEC, the UN, and other members of the international community.” It is particularly our hope that the parties will announce a formal election timetable”
“It’s not only technical arrangements and logistical planning that is necessary for elections to take place. What is also required is a free and open political environment. This means creating the space for a robust and competitive political process to take place: one that fosters nation-building, not only division. “
Haysom emphasised the graduation of the necessary unified forces, which he said was long overdue.
“The country must have a fully functioning, truly national security apparatus to ensure a safe and secure environment and also as a prerequisite for citizens to vote to express their will at the polls.”
He also asked parties to review the National Elections Act of 2012, which would serve as the legal foundation for the start of the electoral process and the creation of the National Elections Commission, in collaboration with the National Constitutional Amendment Committee.
In response to Haysom’s request, Michael Makuei stated that the government was putting the finishing touches on the road map for the end of the transitional period, which would determine whether or not there will be elections.
“The road map is in the pipeline. We are working on the road map. It is the road that will inform you, not me, but for me, if you want my opinion, we are going to an election, “Makuei told reporters.
The window of time for implementing the important benchmarks is shrinking with only eight months left.
Although additional milestones have been reached, some crucial terms of the agreement that are required for elections to be held at the end of the transitional phase are still pending. This includes, among other things, the process of creating a permanent constitution that is awaiting approval from the parliament, the graduation of forces, the reorganization of the electoral commission, the electoral Act, census, and political parties Act which is disputed by the SPLM-IO.
The UN representative in South Sudan urged all parties to show the unity of purpose by working together to fully execute the agreement and to take the necessary actions to help the nation exit its transitional period by holding free, fair, credible, and peaceful elections.