Activist wants Kampala University certificates cancelled
A civil rights activist is demanding the cancellation of academic papers issued by Kampala University Juba campus, citing irregularities.
In a demand letter, Jon Pen de Ngong, who is the Executive Director of United Scribes and Teachers and Artists Sustainable Skills (USTASS), said the college failed to adhere to the regulations of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) on admission of students.
“Recall, revoke, and cancel any academic qualifications issued with an irregularity or illegality.” Respond and act accordingly on the instructions by the NCHE and other concerned authorities on the fake documents identified so far,” he stated.
“Strictly follow the guidelines on regulations by the National Council for Higher Education in admitting students, equating, awarding and verifying academic documents. Address the grievances of the aggrieved students through the right channels.”
The activist warned the country and its graduates would undergo suffering inflicted by the labour force gap due to such acts of half-baked training.
“Because of the dented image, South Sudanese academic products (job seekers/creators and their documents) would not be trusted across the board. “South Sudanese students or researchers are likely to be denied admissions to institutions of higher education of their choice anywhere across the world,” he argued.
According to the civil rights activist, the Educational Attaché at the South Sudan Embassy in Uganda, released a report of over 1000 counterfeited academic documents issued to South Sudanese in Uganda.
Last month, 350 South Sudanese students who completed their studies at Kampala University Campus in Juba filed a lawsuit in the High Court in Kampala, Uganda. This was after they were denied graduation by the university administration, which claimed it was not aware of Kampala University Campus in Juba, South Sudan, and its students excluded their names from the graduation booklets for a graduation ceremony that was scheduled for June 23,